How to move, archive, and delete projects
In every workspace you can move projects between Active, Library, and Trash lists. You can also move projects from one workspace into another as long as you are the project owner.
- Active includes all projects that you are currently working on. When you're finished working on a project, you can Archive it to your library.
- Library includes past projects that you may want to reference later but are no longer currently working on. If you don't need a project anymore you can delete it.
- Trash is where deleted projects go. From the Trash list you can restore projects to your Library or Active list. You can also delete projects permanently if you no longer need them although be warned that this cannot be undone.

Moving a project to another workspace
If you are the owner of the project you can move it to another workspace that you are a member of. Just click on the ... icon from your project library and then click on Move to a different workspace. Then select the workspace you would like to move your project into.
Note: When you move a shared project, some users may lose access if they are not part of the new workspace.