Add guests to collaborate with users outside your team

This feature is only available to users with admin or workspace permissions. If you have these permissions, you can invite external collaborators as guests. Guests can only see information in the specific workspaces to which you add them. Within those workspaces they will be able to view projects shared with them, add annotations to patents, and join discussions with other workspace members.

View your guest list

To navigate to your guest list, click on your profile icon in the top right. Then click on Team. From the Team page click on the Guests tab.

Invite and remove guests

To invite a new guest, click on Invite guests. Enter the email address of the guest you want (e.g. To invite multiple guests at once enter multiple email addresses separated by spaces or newlines.  

Pending invitations will say "Invite sent" and can be cancelled at any time.

Guests without Amplified accounts will get an email with instructions to to create an account. Once the guest has an account, they'll be added to your guest list. You can remove a guest at anytime by hovering over the guest and clicking on the ... icon. Removing a guest will automatically revoke their access to shared workspaces and projects.

Anytime a guest is added all admins will receive a notification like this:

Viewing and managing guest workspace access

Users with admin or workspace permissions can view and manage guest workspace membership from the Teams page. To view workspace membership hover over a guest, click on the ... icon, and then click on Manage access. You will see a list of all the workspaces in your organization. To grant a guest access to a workspace, click on the checkbox next to the workspace name. You can also remove a guest by clicking on the checkbox. When you're done, click Save.

What can guests see in a shared workspace?

Once a guest is part of a workspace, users in the workspace can share projects with them. Granting workspace access does automatically give guests access to projects.  Projects must be shared in order for a guest to see them. Once a project is shared with a Guest, they can interact the same way that other members on your team do.

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