AI summaries and Ask Amplified

Get useful information from patents faster with Amplified's AI summaries

Unlike abstracts or generative AI, Amplified's summaries structure information in a consistent and easy to skim format. You can generate and view summaries in any of our 29 supported languages.

Extract precise insights from documents in bulk using Ask Amplified

Ask Amplified allows you to select one or more patents from your results and then ask custom questions. Your questions and answers will be displayed in the project results and also saved to your My Q&A.

Summaries consume credits. All accounts start with 1000 free credits. 1 credit per patent per language. Additional credits are available for purchase. Summaries only require a credit the first time. If you accidentally select the same patent more than once we won't charge you a second credit.

Use the Summary checkbox in project results

If you've requested a summary before it will already be there. Otherwise, you'll need to click the "Generate a summary" link.

By default the summary will be in your project's language. To change this, turn on the Summary click on the language option next to Summary.

Summarize many results at once

You can also generate summaries in bulk using the Actions menu. Just select the patents you want to summarize, click Actions, and then click Generate summaries. Use the checkbox next to "Showing 1-20" to select all.

Get precise answers from Ask Amplified

Select patents and use the Actions menu to Ask Amplified.

You can write custom questions and even include instructions like "Please answer with a yes or no".

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