What can I do with tags and lists?

Tags and lists allow you to organize patent information for easy re-use later.

  • Tagged patents in project search results will automatically display your tags on them
  • Tags can be private or shared with workspaces or your entire team. You can control this using the Tag's Visibility setting.
  • Tags keep track of both Positive and Negative patents. This allows you to maintain a record of review over time. Untagged patents haven't been reviewed yet while tagged patents show that a human review was completed resulting in either a Positive or Negative decision.
  • You can use tags or lists as project inputs. This allows you automatically find more patents like them. You can also use this feature to sort results by overall similarity to the entire list or tag. Tags will only use Positive tagged patents for this.
  • Train custom classifiers to predict tags. Classifiers use your Positive and Negative examples to automatically learn what you consider relevant. This allows you to accurately label large datasets without reviewing them by hand one at a time.
  • Load a list or tag into a Project to sort and filter within it.

What is the difference between a tag and a list?

Lists are simply saved lists of patents that make it easy to re-use and share information. Tags, on the other hand, keep track of review and are displayed in project search results and full text pages.

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