How monitors work in Amplified

You can use monitors in Amplified to schedule automated alerts and manage the workflow of reviewing and distributing results.

Monitors will:

  • generate reports on a regular schedule
  • send an email notification to assigned reviewers letting them know results are ready for review and a link to the review project
  • keep a record of each report and keep track of review progress both for each report and the overall monitor
  • notify the owner when review is complete (optional)
  • automatically sync and de-duplicate results across family members (optional)
  • use classifiers to semi-automate the review process (optional)

Monitors are designed to integrate with Tags. As your team reviews patents over time, the result of their review will automatically be tracked using your Tags. This gives you a powerful database to refer back. For example, if you have been monitoring competitor patents related to a particular product then that Tag will become a useful starting point for FTO and new project exploration.

Monitor dashboard

You can see your current monitors and create new ones from the Monitor dashboard by going to or clicking on the Menu button in the top left next to the Amplified logo.

Monitors have a name, description, required tags for review, reviewers, and an owner. Only a monitor's owner edit, pause, or delete the monitor. Admins and the monitor's owner can view the monitor. You can see number of reports generated, overall review progress, last updated date, and next scheduled update.

In addition, you can use Workspaces to scope monitors to particular teams. For example, a monitor tracking new patents related to Product Group 1 should be shared with some members of Product Group 1 but never with Product Group 2.

Creating a new monitor

To create a new monitor click on New monitor then select whether you'll be starting from a query or relevant patents.

To get started give your monitor a name, select the relevant workspaces, and pick a frequency for review: weekly, monthly, or quarterly.

The Starting on date will determine how far back to retrieve patents. If you only want to include new publications, leave it as today's date. Set a date in the past if you want to include older results as well, such as patents published within the last 20 years.

Define inputs

A monitor's inputs determine what results are retrieved. You can setup monitors with a command line query or by using relevant example patents.

From a query

Simply enter a command line query. Amplified will automatically check the query. You can check whether the query is working as you expect by verifying the hit count above the top right corner of the query box.

You can also directly create monitors from the Query panel in projects. This is helpful when dealing with more complex queries.

From relevant patents

You can also use example patents to create a monitor. To do this, you will first need setup a tag and upload relevant patents. In the example below we're using our qubit gen tag. Amplified will use that to automatically find more patents that are similar.

Review criteria

Monitors use tags to keep track of review. Click on the fields to add one or more tags.

Required tags will be used to track the progress of the monitor. Each Monitor report will only be considered complete once all of the results have been given a Positive or Negative tag. Most monitors will only have one required tag but you can add as many as you want.

Optional tags will be suggested to reviewers but they do not need to assign them to all results. These are useful if you want to encourage more detailed review such as specific technical sub-categories.

If you your tags have trained classifiers, then you'll also be able to set the monitor to automatically generate tag predictions using your classifier.


Click on the box to add one or more team members as Reviewers. Reviewers will receive email notifications every time a new Monitor report is generated with a link to review the results. Reviewers must be members of the same Workspace the Monitor is in. By default, Monitor reports will only be visible to the Monitor Owner, Reviewers, and admins. You can manually add additional reviewers to individual reports later if needed.


In the last step you can add additional rules and automations by checking the appropriate box and clicking Save.

Running a monitor

Monitors will automatically run based on the frequency schedule you set. When a monitor runs it generates a Report and then notifies you. You'll get an in-app notification and email.

The link in the notification panel and email will take you directly to a project for reviewing the latest Monitor results. You can also click on the Reports number in the monitoring dashboard anytime to open all past Reports.

The Reports view will show you the Created date, a List, a Review Project, number of Families, and Review Progress. You'll see one row for each report.

The List is a static snapshot in time of the report results. You can refer back to this anytime to verify exactly which publications were identified and when. Families tells you how many results were in that particular report.

The Review Project is where you'll actually review results and assign them Positive or Negative tags. Once all results have been tagged the Review Progress will show 100% and the monitor owner will be notified.

Reviewing monitor results

Clicking on the Review Project will take you to a project that is ready for review. This report had 2 families. You'll see each in the project along with the tags that should be reviewed. In this example we had a classifier automatically predict positive/negative for the tags.

Let's accept the classifier's predictions.

Now that all of our results have been tagged, this review is complete! The monitor owner will be notified and can see the progress is 100%.

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