Query mode syntax
Amplified supports command line boolean logic for complex queries. These queries can be combined with AI by adding them as Custom filters.
Query mode operators
Proximity operators support up to 99 words (i.e. W99).
Use quotations for multi-word phrases such as "metal oxide" or "Toyota Motor". Multiple words must be wrapped in quotation marks. For example: all_an=("Toyota motor")
is correct while all_an=(Toyota motor)
will cause a syntax error.
Wildcards Amplified automatically handles truncation, plurals, and basic word variations so wildcards are not needed as much as in a traditional search tool. If you do use wildcards Amplified will not be able to capture variations automatically. For best results we recommend keeping wildcard use to a minimum and only when absolutely necessary.
Note: Although the examples are all uppercase, Amplified's syntax is not case sensitive. You may use upper or lowercase.
Syntax guide
Name | Description | Example | Type | Comment |
Boolean operators | Basic boolean search operators | AND OR NOT | Search logic | |
Advanced text operators | Wildcards and proximity searching for text searching | W5 * ? | Search logic | Use * for multi-character wildcards Use ? for single-character wildcards For proximity search use W with the number of words ex. W5 Note: for non-roman alphabets like Japanese, Korean, and Chinese the proximity operator will look within N characters rather than words |
Nested queries | Nesting fields and logic for complex queries | TAC=(rocket AND engine AND (nitrogen OR hydrogen)) | Search logic | Be careful with overly complex nesting though as it can become difficult to follow and read. We recommend breaking complex nesting into multiple queries and then combining them. For example: S1 AND (S2 OR S3). |
T=() | Title | T=(rocket) | Text | Text will search against fields in the Project's language. To search in specific languages you can append the ISO 2-digit language code to the command. |
A=() | Abstract | A=(rocket AND engine) | Text | For example, to search TAC in Japanese you would write TAC_JA and to search in Chinese you would write TAC_ZH. |
C=() | Claims | C=(fuel W3 thrust) | Text | |
D=() | Description | D=(light* OR hyperspace) | Text | |
TACD=() | Full text | TACD=(rocket OR engine) | Text | |
TAC=() | Title or abstract or claims | TAC=(fuel OR thrust*) | Text | |
IPC=() | IPC code | IPC=(A61F2/00) | Class | Codes before / such as A61 or A61F2 will automatically include all children. Codes after / such as A61F2/00 will only return exact matches. Append +all to include children ex. A61F2/00+all. |
CPC=() | CPC code | CPC=(A61F2/00 OR B62J1/00) | Class | |
GRANT=() | GRANT=(yes) | Legal status | ||
ALIVE=() | ALIVE=(yes) | Legal status | ||
EPRD=() | Earliest priority date in family | EPRD=20120501:20201231 or EPRD=2012:2024 | Date | Use : to specify a date range and write dates in the format of YYYYMMDD, YYYYMM, or YYYY |
EPD=() | Earliest publication date in family | EPD<=20200101 or EPD<=202001 or EPD<=2020 | Date | |
CC=() | Country code (publishing authority) | CC=(US OR JP) | Country and publication codes | |
KD=() | Kind code | KD=(A1) KD=(B*) KD=(A1 or A2) KD=(EPA*) |
Kind codes | KD=(A*) - all kind codes beginning with A KD=(CCB*) - all kind codes for the given country code, beginning with B KD=(CCB1) - all kind codes matching B1 for the given country code |
ALL_AN=() | All assignees | ALL_AN=(Toyota) ALL_AN=("General Motors") | Names | |
INV=() | Inventor name | INV=(Nikola Tesla) | Names | |
S# | Previous search string | S1 AND S3 NOT S4 | Search string | |
AP=() | Application number searc | Use this to lookup specific publications by application number and then include or exclude in your results | Application number | Make sure you have the correct number i.e. US12847832 |
PN=() | Publication number search | Use this to lookup patents by publication number. Multiple publications can entered separated by commas i.e. PN=(US10248964, US10248964B1) | Publication number | Kind codes are not required i.e. both US10248964 and US10248964B1 work. |
CTAPN=() | Forward and backward citations from a number input | Use this to lookup forward and backward citations from a publication number | Publication number | Multiple publications can entered separated by commas i.e. CTAPN=(US10248964, US10248964B1) |
CTFPN=() | Forward citations from a number input | Use this to lookup forward citations from a publication number | Publication number | Multiple publications can entered separated by commas i.e. CTFPN=(US10248964, US10248964B1) |
CTBPN=() | Backward citations from a number input | Use this to lookup backward citations from a publication number | Publication number | Multiple publications can entered separated by commas i.e. CTBPN=(US10248964, US10248964B1) |
CTA=() CTAX=() CTAY=() CTAA=() |
Forward and backward citations from a query | Use this to lookup forward and backward citations from a query i.e. CTA=(S1) or CTA=(T=(qubit)) | Query | You can limit the results to X, Y, and A citations. Be careful as X, Y, A citation data is limited. |
Supported language codes
This is a list of languages which are supported for search in Amplified. You can add them to a text query such as TAC=() to search in that language. For example, TAC_JA=() for Japanese or TAC_ZH=() for Chinese.
ar: "arabic"
bg: "bulgarian"
cs: "czech"
da: "danish"
de: "german"
el: "greek"
en: "english"
es: "spanish"
fi: "finnish"
fr: "french"
hu: "hungarian"
id: "indonesian"
it: "italian"
ja: "japanese"
ko: "korean"
lt: "lithuanian"
lv: "latvian"
mo: "romanian"
nl: "dutch"
no: "norwegian"
pl: "polish"
pt: "portuguese"
ro: "romanian"
ru: "russian"
sv: "swedish"
th: "thai"
tr: "turkish"
uk: "ukrainian"
zh: "chinese"