Explore portfolios and state of the art

This article explains how you can quickly explore a portfolio or technology space

This article is about exploring a list of relevant search results

For this guide, you need to know how to find relevant patents. If you haven't setup a project before, check out our guide to quickly finding relevant patents first.

Set your project scope

Often it helps to focus live, granted, US patents. This is easy to do by clicking Edit on the Project Scope. You can also use this to control how many results you'll load: 500, 2500, or 10,000. We'll use 500 here but the larger numbers can be helpful for visualizing bigger portfolios or technical areas.

This is just an example and you don't have to use these settings. As you get more familiar you can use different settings depending on what you want to accomplish.

Add an assignee filter to focus on a particular competitor

Without an assignee filter, you'll get the whole technology landscape. That's plenty useful but it can also be very helpful to go company by company to see what important competitors are up to and how they build their portfolios. You can do this by adding an assignee filter.

Make sure Boolean Filters is ON and then click Update Results.

Save any relevant patents

Once all your settings are ready, click Update Results and quickly check to make sure the results look right. If you haven't already be sure to save or flag interesting patents. These will become helpful landmarks when you explore the landscape in the next step.

Once you have the right data, click Visualize

Amplified will generate a scatter plot of the entire result set. Each dot represents one patent and similar patents will be grouped together. Clusters of patents will get unique label and color to make them easy to identify.

You can move around in the map, zoom in or out, and hover over dots to see information about each patent. Use the group by, color, by and shape by options at the top to explore at a birds-eye view. You can also use the sliders at the bottom to show/hide different date ranges and relevancy ranks.

Use labels and saved patents to identify clusters of interest

If you have saved some patents of interest as Relevant (or Flagged) then you should be able to quickly identify them in the map. Use those to identify the clusters that best match your interest. You can then click Save clusters to save all of the patents from a cluster to a list.

Now you can open the saved clusters in your project to explore them in more detail. Let's go back to the Read tab and open one.

Quickly understand the problems and solutions with bulk summaries

This cluster has 38 publications. Let's use bulk summaries to get a quick idea of what they are about. Select all, click the Actions menu, and generate summaries. Then toggle Summary on. This lets us quickly skim to see what kind of problems & solutions exist in this cluster.

Repeat with other clusters or different search conditions

Load a different saved cluster. Go back to Search results and change assignees to visualize a different portfolio. There are many possibilities and knowledge discovery is a continuous journey. We hope Amplified makes it easy and fast for you to try them.

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