Adding external collaborators

Admins in Amplified are able to use the Guests feature to setup limited collaborations with third parties. Admins must add Guests to the organization and also to specific workspaces. Guests will only be able to access projects which are shared to them in the workspaces they are members of.

Enabling Guests

Follow the steps below to enable guests. If you do not have the Guest feature you can contact your Amplified representative or email us at

Add the guest to your team

Guests must be added to the team before any information can be shared. To do this navigate to the Teams page and click on the Guests tab. Only Admin users can do this.

Next click the red Invite guests button and enter the email address of the guest you would like to invite.

Guests need to create an Amplified account if they do not have one already. Until the guest has created an account you will see their status is Invite sent.

If a guest does not not have an Amplified account already then will receive an email prompting them to create one like this:

Once the guest has created an Amplified account you will be able to manage their access from the Guests page.

Choose which workspaces the guest can be part of

From the Guests page click on the ... then select Manage access and choose which Workspaces to give the Guest access to. You cannot share Projects from Workspaces which the Guest does not have access to. You can revoke access to a Workspace anytime by unchecking that Workspace's box. This will also remove their access to any shared projects in that Workspace.

Once a Guest is part of a workspace you will be able to share Projects from those Workspaces with the Guest. Guests will can only see the Projects which are shared with them. They cannot see other Projects in the Workspace.

Removing a Guest

To remove a guest navigate to the Teams page and click on the Guests tab. Click on the ... icon next to the guest and click Remove guest to revoke all access. You can also manage individual workspace access without removing the Guest entirely by using the Manage access option.

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